NMN Augments Telomere Length and Enhances Gut Health in Midlife Adults

Aging naturally brings about certain cellular changes, one of which includes the gradual shortening of telomeres, and the protective caps at the ends of our chromosomes. Telomere attrition contributes to various aging-associated health conditions, including metabolic disorders and cardiovascular issues.

Similarly, aging-related inflammation disrupts the harmonious balance of beneficial and detrimental gut bacteria, a phenomenon leading to inflammaging, an inflammation-related precursor to age-related diseases. NMN, a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), has been suggested in earlier studies to enhance telomere length and replenish healthy gut microbiota. However, comprehensive clinical trials to validate NMN's benefits in humans remain underway.

A recent study led by Wu and his team from the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology presented compelling evidence from a clinical trial. They discovered that supplying pre-aging mice (analogous to 45-60-year-old humans) with a 500 mg/L NMN-infused drinking solution for 40 days led to beneficial changes in gut microbiota diversity and an increase in telomere length. Moreover, human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) demonstrated a doubling of telomere length over 90 days with NMN supplementation. Such results suggest that extending telomere length may prevent the onset of age-related diseases, possibly extending both health span and lifespan.

Effects of NMN on Metabolism and Gut Microbiota in Mice

In exploring the benefits of NMN in mice, Wu's team evaluated thermogenesis, a measure of body heat and thus a marker of cell energy production. NMN administration over 40 weeks led to a nearly 10% increase in thermogenesis, validating NMN's positive influence on metabolic function.

Examining the fecal bacteria composition in mice revealed NMN's role in fostering a healthier gut microbiota. Short-term NMN supplementation decreased bacterial species diversity in the gut. However, this reduction was accompanied by an increase in beneficial bacteria such as Mucispirillum, Colidextribacter, and Candidatus_Saccharimonas, while potentially harmful bacteria like Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, and Paenalcaligenes decreased.

NMN Supplementation and Telomere Length Extension

The Tianjin team further analyzed the impact of NMN on telomere length in both mice and humans. Short-term NMN administration increased telomere length by 20-25% in mice. Similarly, a 90-day NMN supplementation course nearly doubled telomere length in humans, hinting at significant health and longevity benefits.

Conclusive Findings and Future Considerations

Based on the study's findings, NMN appears to enhance gut microbial composition in mice and extend telomere length in both mice and humans, which could significantly boost health span. While it is still uncertain if NMN could promote a longer lifespan, evidence suggests it might extend the number of healthy and fulfilling years.

Nonetheless, limitations exist. The long-term effects of NMN supplementation and its metabolic processes, especially at higher dosages, need exploration. The potential impacts of reduced gut flora diversity during aging also require further scrutiny. A pressing question in the research community is "How much NMN is too much?" Without clear guidelines on NMN dosage and clinical instructions, determining the optimal NMN intake for specific health indications remains under investigation.


Niu KM, Bao T, Gao L, Ru M, Li Y, Jiang L, Ye C, Wang S, Wu X. The Impacts of Short-Term NMN Supplementation on Serum Metabolism, Fecal Microbiota, and Telomere Length in Pre-Aging Phase. Front Nutr. 2021 Nov 29;8:756243. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.756243. PMID: 34912838; PMCID: PMC8667784.