NMN and Blood Pressure: A Solution for Hypertension?

NMN and Blood Pressure - A Natural Solution for Hypertension
Hypertension, a prevalent and often challenging health issue, is intricately linked with the emerging research on NMN and blood pressure. This condition, commonly known as high blood pressure, poses a significant risk to cardiovascular health, especially as we age.
However, recent scientific advancements are shining a light on Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN), a compound that shows promise in managing hypertension. In addition, it reverses  the aging process of blood vessels. This article navigates the latest research findings. Each study offers insights into how NMN could potentially revolutionize the treatment of hypertension and improve overall cardiovascular health in the aging population.

NMN Halts Blood Vessel Aging

A study published in the Journal of Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy in 2021 found that NMN can help slow down blood vessel aging and high blood pressure in mice. This happens because NMN limits a process called 'senescence', where cells stop dividing and start aging. It also reduces signals between cells that make nearby cells age faster.

NMN works by boosting levels of another molecule called NAD+, which is important for many cell activities. When there's less NAD+, cells age faster. This can lead to cardiovascular-related problems, like high blood pressure and heart diseases.

The researchers found that mice with less of an enzyme called CD38, or mice given NMN, had less senescence and better blood pressure control. They also saw less thickening and stiffness in the blood vessels, which are signs of aging.

When they gave mice NMN, it increased NAD+ levels by about 50% and reduced high blood pressure caused by chemicals. Also, markers of aging in blood vessel cells decreased by over 50%. 

Overall, the study suggests that using NMN to boost NAD+ levels and limit CD38 might be a new way to treat high blood pressure and aging blood vessels. [1] 

NMN May Help Lower Weight and Blood Pressure

A recent study from Harvard Medical School published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in 2023 shows that NMN supplements can help overweight adults lose weight and lower their blood pressure and cholesterol. These changes are good for overall health.

In the study, adults took two 1,000 mg doses of NMN each day for a month. They lost more than 6 lbs, which suggests NMN helps with weight loss. The study also found that NMN lowered "bad" LDL cholesterol, which is good for the heart. 

What's more, NMN was found to lower diastolic blood pressure - the bottom number in a blood pressure reading. This could mean NMN is helpful for people with high blood pressure.

However, more studies with more people and over a longer time are needed to confirm these results. [2] 

NMN May Help in Hypertension Management 

A study from the University of Colorado published in the Aging Cell Journal in 2016 revealed that Nicotinamide Mononucleotide might help in hypertension management. Research improved the function of blood vessels in older mice. The decline of NAD+ levels links to aging and diseases like hypertension, suggesting NMN could offer potential benefits.

In the experiment, older mice given NMN saw a decrease in collagen levels, a protein that makes blood vessels hard, and an increase in elastin levels, a protein that keeps them flexible. This is similar to what is seen in younger mice, suggesting that NMN may have reversed some age-related changes in blood vessels. This resulted in healthier blood vessels which could help in controlling high blood pressure.

Furthermore, the older mice given NMN experienced improved dilation of their aorta, a key factor in managing blood pressure. This improvement was associated with increased availability of Nitric Oxide (NO). This molecule aids in blood vessel dilation and a reduction in oxidative stress, which is harmful to blood vessels.

The findings suggest NMN might help in managing high blood pressure by improving blood vessel health and function, offering a new potential approach for hypertension treatment. [3] 

NMN Shows Potential to Combat Hypertension

A new study published in the Scientific Reports in 2023 shows that NMN could help lower blood pressure in adults who are overweight and have high blood sugar. NMN appears to make blood vessels more flexible, which is important because stiff blood vessels can put stress on your heart. 

The study by Katayoshi and his team from Japan gave 34 healthy adults aged 40-59 a daily dose of 250 mg of NMN for 12 weeks. They measured how fast blood moved through a leg artery to check the stiffness of the blood vessels. While all the participants saw some improvement, those with higher body weight and blood sugar levels showed a noticeable decrease in blood vessel stiffness after taking NMN.

Using this data, the scientists estimated that NMN made the blood vessels of middle-aged adults about two years "younger". But, they're not exactly sure how NMN works to do this yet. 

Of course, more research is needed. Yet, these results suggest that NMN could help lower the risk of high blood pressure and heart diseases. We need more research to know if NMN is safe to use long-term and to confirm its potential benefits. [4] 


The journey through the latest research on NMN reveals its potential as a groundbreaking tool in the fight against hypertension and cardiovascular aging. The studies discussed here open new avenues for understanding how NMN can contribute to managing blood pressure, reducing age-related vascular deterioration, and improving overall heart health.

As we continue to explore the full capabilities of NMN, products like HealthspanX Ultra Pure NMN™ emerge as beacons of hope, potentially leading the way in innovative treatments for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases associated with aging. The promise shown by NMN in these studies is not just a step forward in tackling high blood pressure but also a significant leap towards a future where maintaining cardiovascular health is more effective and accessible.


  1. Gan L, Liu D, Liu J, Chen E, Chen C, Liu L, Hu H, Guan X, Ma W, Zhang Y, He Y, Liu B, Tang S, Jiang W, Xue J, Xin H. CD38 deficiency alleviates Ang II-induced vascular remodeling by inhibiting small extracellular vesicle-mediated vascular smooth muscle cell senescence in mice. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2021 Jun 11;6(1):223. doi: 10.1038/s41392-021-00625-0. PMID: 34112762.
  2. Pencina KM, Valderrabano R, Wipper B, Orkaby AR, Reid KF, Storer T, Lin AP, Merugumala S, Wilson L, Latham N, Ghattas-Puylara C, Ozimek NE, Cheng M, Bhargava A, Memish-Beleva Y, Lawney B, Lavu S, Swain PM, Apte RS, Sinclair DA, Livingston D, Bhasin S. Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Augmentation in Overweight or Obese Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Physiologic Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2023 Feb 6:dgad027. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgad027. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36740954.
  3. de Picciotto NE, Gano LB, Johnson LC, et al. Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation reverses vascular dysfunction and oxidative stress with aging in mice. Aging Cell. 2016;15(3):522-530. doi:10.1111/acel.12461
  4. Katayoshi T, Uehata S, Nakashima N, et al. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide metabolism and arterial stiffness after long-term nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):2786. Published 2023 Feb 16. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-29787-3