NMN and Diabetes: Does It Really Work?

NMN and Diabetes

NMN and Diabetes are closely linked in recent medical research. Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) is emerging as a promising compound in this fight. It addresses the widespread condition and its associated complications. Indeed, demonstrating a significant ability to increase insulin levels, NMN enhances glucose metabolism. This is a key factor in diabetes management.

Beyond its role in blood sugar regulation, NMN has shown potential in improving insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, this is crucial for preventing the onset of diabetes. Its benefits also extend to protecting against diabetic kidney disease and preserving cognitive functions.

These diverse therapeutic effects position NMN as a versatile tool in diabetes management. Consequently, they open new avenues for treatment and prevention. As research continues, the full scope of NMN's impact on diabetes and overall human health remains an exciting area of study.

Diabetes and NMN's Insulin-Promoting Effect

A recent Japanese study published in Clinical Nutrition ESPEN in 2023 showed that taking NMN can increase insulin levels in the blood by up to five times and also raise levels of NAD+. In the study, 11 healthy adults took 250 mg of NMN daily for 12 weeks. Afterward, their blood insulin levels had increased fivefold. This increase can help the body use glucose, or sugar, for energy more efficiently. Moreover, the study also showed that taking NMN raised levels of NAD+ in the blood, which could be beneficial for metabolic health.

Subsequently, the researchers found that the increase in NAD+ levels tapered off after the first month of taking NMN but was still significant for the next two months. Once the participants stopped taking NMN, their NAD+ levels dropped to near where they started.

Interestingly, the study also showed that taking NMN increases NMN levels in the plasma - the liquid part of our blood. This suggests that the supplement could be distributed to cells and tissues throughout the body.

Overall, this research provides promising evidence that NMN supplementation can increase insulin and NAD+ levels, which could potentially help in managing or preventing diabetes. [1]

NMN and Diabetes Prevention: May Reduce Metabolic Impairment 

NMN is linked to boosting metabolism and has been shown to improve metabolic health in mice. This improvement is notable in mice affected by obesity due to maternal factors and diet. An Australian team's research, published in Cells Journal in 2020, supports this. They found that giving NMN to such mice for three weeks improved their glucose processing, crucial in diabetes management.

Subsequently, obese mothers often pass on metabolic conditions, including a higher diabetes risk, to their offspring. Therefore, NMN might help combat this by improving glucose handling in the body. In the study, NMN reduced glucose intolerance in male offspring mice. These mice inherited a high-fat diet from obese mothers and suffered severe adverse effects. 

However, while these results are promising, it's important to note that NMN's effects were not uniform. Indeed, the effectiveness varied depending on the mother's diet. In some cases, NMN led to improvements, while in others, it briefly increased blood glucose levels.

Consequently, these findings suggest NMN's potential as a therapeutic option in managing glucose levels and preventing diabetes, especially in conditions related to maternal obesity. Nevertheless, further research is needed to understand the precise conditions for NMN's effectiveness and to see if these findings apply to humans. [2]

NMN Boosts Insulin Sensitivity in Prediabetic Patients

Diabetes. The Concept of NMN and Insulin Sensitivity.

In a study conducted by Klein and his team from Washington University School of Medicine published in Science Journal in 2020, NMN has shown potential in improving insulin sensitivity in prediabetic, overweight women. Insulin sensitivity is crucial as it enables our body's cells to use blood sugar more effectively, thereby reducing blood sugar levels.

Subsequently, over the course of 10 weeks, these women were given daily 250 mg capsules of NMN. Consequently, the results demonstrated a significant increase in NAD+ levels in their blood cells, which indirectly boosts metabolism.

The improved insulin sensitivity suggests that NMN may aid in the efficient use of blood sugar in the muscles, offering potential benefits for individuals with prediabetes. Nevertheless, it's important to note that more research is necessary to fully understand how NMN works and whether these results can be replicated in a wider range of individuals. [3]

NMN and Diabetes Complications: Diabetic Kidney Disease Prevention 

A study on mice at Keio University published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology in 2021 found that short-term treatment with NMN showed long-lasting protection against the early stages of diabetic kidney disease. This condition, known as diabetic nephropathy, affects up to 40% of people with diabetes and can lead to kidney failure. Subsequently, in the study, the diabetic mice received NMN injections for two weeks.

Afterward, they showed a significant decrease in a condition called albuminuria (excess protein in the urine, indicating kidney damage) and a noticeable improvement in survival rates. Moreover, these mice also exhibited better kidney health and functioning even after treatment ended.

Nevertheless, it's important to note that this study was conducted on mice and more research is needed to see if these benefits also apply to humans. However, this research offers promising evidence of NMN's potential in managing early-stage diabetic nephropathy. [4]

NMN for Diabetes Patients: Helps Protect Memory

Diabetes can lead to problems with memory and thinking. Now, scientists have found NMN might help according to a research paper published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences in 2020.

At the University of Maryland School of Medicine, researchers studied rats with diabetes. They found that giving these rats NMN helped them keep their memory skills. Moreover, the NMN also helps keep their brain cells healthy, especially in the part of the brain that helps with memory.

Subsequently, the researchers tested the rats' memory skills with a special test called the "Y maze." Interestingly, the rats given NMN did better in this test. Furthermore, the NMN also seemed to help the cells in the rats' brains make more energy.

Therefore, this is good news, as it suggests that NMN might one day be used to help people with diabetes protect their memory and thinking skills. [5]


The emerging research on Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) highlights its potential in diabetes management. Indeed, NMN enhances insulin levels, improves glucose metabolism, and protects against diabetic complications. Thus, it stands out in metabolic health.

HealthspanX Ultra Pure NMN™ represents this development's cutting edge. Therefore, it suggests a promising future for NMN in health regimes. Consequently, as research progresses, NMN's role in combating diabetes and related challenges remains promising and exciting.


  1. Yamane, Takuya et al. “Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) intake increases plasma NMN and insulin levels in healthy subjects.” Clinical nutrition ESPEN vol. 56 (2023): 83-86. doi:10.1016/j.clnesp.2023.04.031
  2. Uddin GM, Youngson NA, Chowdhury SS, Hagan C, Sinclair DA, Morris MJ. Administration of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) Reduces Metabolic Impairment in Male Mouse Offspring from Obese Mothers. Cells. 2020; 9(4):791. https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9040791
  3. Yoshino, Mihoko et al. “Nicotinamide mononucleotide increases muscle insulin sensitivity in prediabetic women.” Science (New York, N.Y.) vol. 372,6547 (2021): 1224-1229. doi:10.1126/science.abe9985
  4. Yasuda, Itaru et al. “Pre-emptive Short-term Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Treatment in a Mouse Model of Diabetic Nephropathy.” Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN vol. 32,6 (2021): 1355-1370. doi:10.1681/ASN.2020081188
  5. Chandrasekaran, Krish et al. “Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Administration Prevents Experimental Diabetes-Induced Cognitive Impairment and Loss of Hippocampal Neurons.” International journal of molecular sciences vol. 21,11 3756. 26 May. 2020, doi:10.3390/ijms21113756